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Brenda Sharp Native Ecotypes, LLC has created, under its umbrella, Ozark Native Ecotypes Indigenous Plant Nursery headquartered in Boone County Arkansas. As an Arkansas

Department of Agriculture inspected and licensed nursery I offer a broad variety

of local genetic materials, ecotypes, indigenous to the Ozark bioregion and

native to area. A customer/friend can choose from an array of native

perennial wildflowers, grasses, and in addition. medicinal, edible,

culinary herbs, dye plants, and sacred ceremony plants.

For any conservation, revegetation, or restoration effort, however large or small, whether a pollinator refueling pit stop garden, a container garden, sidewalk strip, park, school, ranch

or agriculture landscapes, locally adapted plant materials are widely recommended and

vitally important. Placing plants whose seed is indigenous to a bioregion supports

genetic compatibility with surrounding populations within that ecosystem while

preserving their gene pool within each species, and their integrity. Planting

local ecotypes will ensure the greatest success in your landscaping efforts.

Indigenous plants are adapted to local soils, climate, and conditions and will

persist through frost and drought. They require less maintenance, such as

water and soil amendments. Once the plants are established,

they require little else.


Pollinators are attracted to natural habitat be it in a home garden, micro-prairie or prairie strip, or farm. We critically need more pollinators and the habitat that sustains them. The pollinating

animals are responsible for bringing humans 'one out of three bites' of food. The pollinators

and native plants help prevent soil erosion and help create more soil carbon sequestration.

Pollinators are in jeopardy and need our help. Time to act.

Native plants provide important sources of food and shelter for organisms in

an ecosystem to survive. They will attract native pollinators such as

native bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, birds and hummingbirds.

By filling your garden spaces with native plants, you bring a region's distinctive beauty and uniqueness into your home landscape. You also connect your backyard to the wilder

habitats beyond. When incorporating native plants in restoration and landscaping

areas, this creates a broader impact to help support local ecosystems and wildlife. 

"We are at a critical point of losing so many species from local ecosystems that their ability to produce

the oxygen, clean water, flood control, pollination, pest control, carbon storage, ect, that is, 

the ecosystem services that sustain us, will become seriously compromised."

-Dr. Doug Tallamy 


The mission of the Ozark Native Ecotype Indigenous Plant Nursery is four-fold:


#1: To promote and make available to others native ecotype plants indigenous to the

Ozark bioregion; to protect the ancient remnant families by multiplying their

populations to secure their future; to provide a wide variety of native plants

to others that innately know how to support a diversity of pollinators by

providing their needs of habitat, shelter, nectar, food, nesting and

resting places. These 'little spirits' in turn are then better able to

care for the 'entire food web of life' on the planet.

"If we want butterflies and bees and hummingbirds and birds, we have to give them a

place to breathe and a place to eat and a place to shelter."

-Kathleen Scott


#2: to instill awareness of the role of nature and human, to call others to act, to teach 

effective skills how to care for and protect the rich biodiversity

given us by the Creator.

"When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves."

-David Orr


#3: To make it known that by planting local genetic materials, and supporting the pollinators,

we are also helping to replenish the soil resource. It is critical that we learn and implement

methods that properly restore and sustain the bio-diverse life of this great nation's

foundation. Humans have been degrading and eroding soils far faster than they

form leading to the depletion of the soil sponge reserve of fertile topsoil, the

'one thing we absolutely need to support all life.' Conservation and

preservation of the ecosystem living underneath our feet, 'soil'

is our starting point. It requires working in unison

with all the integral parts.

"Soil is an intergenerational resource, natural capital that can be used conservatively or squandered.

With just a couple feet of soil standing between prosperity and desolation,

civilizations that plow through their soil vanish."

-David R. Montgomery

#4: To make available, in addition, a selection of edible, culinary, and medicinal plants that help support the health and well-being of people and are enjoyed by the pollinators too. Many of

these ancient plants have contributed to modern pharmaceuticals. Before the advent of

synthetic compounds, injections, and expensive medications, the human body was

accustomed to natural herbs and spices. When we choose to allow healing to

happen for ourselves, everything around us feels it and is blessed by it. This is

'the still-point' where we realize 'the Creator's original plan' for

His people and the earth.


"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."

-Genesis 2:15


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